Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Create Icon with Inkscape and GIMP, Then change the Icon of the exe

In this video, we will create an icon with the following free and open-source software:
- Inkscape (https://www.inkscape.org)
- GIMP (https://www.gimp.org)

 After that, we will build a simple application with C++, CodeBlocks and wxWidgets using the icon we have just created.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

C++ & GUI: Manage SQLite Database

In this video we will create a small app to manage a basic SQLite database,

and we will play with it to do the following items:

 CREATE TABLE user (Name TEXT, Age INT, Country TEXT);

 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('Itokiana', 5, 'Madagascar');
 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('John', 26, 'USA') ;
 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('Louis', 34, 'France') ;
 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('Lee', 22, 'Japan') ;
 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('Chris', 19, 'Canada') ;
 INSERT INTO user (Name, Age, Country) VALUES ('Unknown', 10, 'Anywhere') ;

 UPDATE user SET Name="Njaka" WHERE Name="Itokiana";

 DELETE FROM user WHERE Name='Unknown';


Source code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Jtvy4Ey-uwZXRqeVFVa0xLeHM/edit?usp=sharing
Exe file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Jtvy4Ey-uwajZUUHpKczZ5bDg/edit?usp=sharing

SQLite tutos: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

wxWidgets and Excel


This video show how to use wxWidgets application with MS Excel.

 The source code is available to download at:

Note: I used wxWidgets 3.0.0 and CodeBlocks 12.11

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Generate a pdf file using wxPdfDocument library

This video shows how to compile the wxPdfDocument library and how to use it.

1- Download and extract wxPdfDoc-0.9.3.zip
2- Compile this library
3- Example

The compiled wxPdfDoc is available to download at:


And the example at:

For more video: http://wxtuto.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

C++ GUI: Demo wxTreeCtrl with wxWidgets

This video show an example of the following items:

-Create a wxTreeCtrl
-Use wxDir and wxDirDialog

You will see the following object:


The souce code is avalable to download at: http://www.4shared.com/zip/Vz0cxzhI/wxTreeCtrl_source_code.html
and the application at: http://www.4shared.com/zip/Znrocp68/wxTreeCtrl_EXE.html

PART 1: C++ GUI - Drawing, Copying in the clipboard and Saving image with wxWidgets and CodeBlocks

This video show an example of the following items:

-Drawing image
-Copying image in the clipboard
-Saving image
-Creating a dialog
-Creating a popup menu
-Creating a tool bar
-Creating a menu bar

You will see the following object:


I think these videos will help you to understand to make quickly all the items above and use wxSmith in CodeBlocks.

The souce code is avalable to download at: http://www.4shared.com/zip/qa4o3ezA/my_image_code.html

and the application at: http://www.4shared.com/rar/SWL-CdLd/My_Image_EXE.html

PART 2: C++ GUI - Creating a dialog with wxWidgets and CodeBlocls

This video show an example of the following items:

-Drawing image
-Copying image in the clipboard
-Saving image
-Creating a dialog
-Creating a popup menu
-Creating a tool bar
-Creating a menu bar

You will see the following object:


I think these videos will help you to understand to make quickly all the items above and use wxSmith in CodeBlocks.

The souce code is avalable to download at: http://www.4shared.com/zip/qa4o3ezA/my_image_code.html

and the application at: http://www.4shared.com/rar/SWL-CdLd/My_Image_EXE.html